Reese's Halloween 2020

in 2020, Reese's challenged us to find a safe way to trick or treat. our answer was to build a robotic Reese's door that delivered candy on demand. our Reese's door is a fully functional and self contained Reese's cup delivering machine tricked out with lights, music, and our very own voice of Reese's. 

Millions of trick-or-treaters may miss their annual pilgrimage from door to door in search of treats this year. So, if people can’t go door to door, Reese’s will bring the door to them. And by “door,” we mean “9-foot-tall talking robot door.” If it rolls up to your doorstep, just say “trick-or-treat” and the robot will dispense a king-sized Reese’s, no contact required. Happy Halloween!
on our first day in media generated 1.04B impressions. We had AP photographers capture our Reese's door visiting a neighborhood in Georgia. 
media  features below. 

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